About Us

Welcome to tRain Garden! We are a passionate team dedicated to connecting communities with grassroots/community organisations that can provide them with key work experience, knowledge and skill development to promote personal development, betterment, and links towards long-term employment in the fast growing green economy.

Our Unique Approach

At tRain Garden, we stand out from other recruiting agencies because of our focus on social value and our innovative tRain Garden Model. This model provides a methodology for managing your grassroots/community organisation in a way that maximises its social value for participants and volunteers, and promotes their personal and skill development; while achieving environmental good.

Our Expertise

Our specialized services include an online platform that provides a map of all grassroots/community organisations signed up to the 'tRain Garden' ethos and values, and which incorporate 'tRain Garden' thinking into their organisational framework. The platform will provide an easy to complete survey, to understand what resources and opportunities each grassroots organisation has to offer participants in their skill development projects, how much it aligns to the key values of the 'tRain Garden model' and a key list of skills/opportunities that are guaranteed to be available to all participants.


The platform will also provide a portal that lists all volunteer participants, their key information, where they have worked, and the soft/hard skills gained from their experience; backed up by certificates and character references as evidence. Employers will then be able to make contact with skilled workers, and recruit them into new roles in the green economy.

Ready to Make a Difference?

Get in touch with us to learn more about how we can help your organization thrive in the environmental sector.